Hassan Ali Abdelwahid
Jazan Armed Forces Hospital (JAFH), KSA.
Professor Doctor Hassan Ali Abdelwahid, Professor of Family Medicine, Suez Canal University. has completed his MD (Medical doctorate) in 2002. Egypt. Dr. Hassan also is a Consultant of family medicine in Jazan Armed Forces Hospital (JAFH), Saudi Arabia. He is interested in management of chronic diseases, ECG, anemia, Epidemiology, Health education, research and adult learning. Doctor Hassan is the Head of Institutional Research Board of JAFH. He is serving as a member of the faculty research committee, and as an editorial member or reviewer of several reputed journals like Elite Research Journal, International Blood Research & Reviews, American Journal of Clinical Medicine Research (http://www.sciepub.com/journal/AJCMR), American Journal of Public Health Research, British J. of Medicine and medical research (BJMMR), etc. Based on his research and CV, Dr. Hassan has been included in book of Who's Who in the World.