Mir Anwar
Stanger Provincial Hospital,South Africa .
Title: Effects of Meconium Aspiration in New Born in Developing Countries in -- Sub Saharan African Perspective -- How much HIV/AID’s Contributes.
Biography: Mir Anwar
Our study were overserved & put on consideration of the following criteria –Detection of Prematurity and Fetal gasping secondary to hypoxia, inadequate removal of meconium from the airway prior to the first breath, Use of positive pressure ventilation (PPV) prior to clearing the airway of meconium etc.The inhaled meconium can cause a partial or complete blockage of the airways, causing difficulty breathing and poor gas exchange in the lungs. In addition, the substance is irritating and causes inflammation in the airways and potentially, causes chemical pneumonia.Factors that promote the passage of meconium in utero include the following:Placental insufficiency, maternal hypertension .Preeclampsia, Oligohydramnios, maternal drug abuse, especially of tobacco and cocaine, maternal infection-corioaminitis, etc.